We were able to ask for the government's help to close down this butcher's stall and seize the 4 live dogs left there who waiting to be killed. Our founder, Du Yufeng, had previously visited the stall and asked the butcher to show her paperwork for the dogs and he refused so she arranged to meet with the government officials and take them to the stall where she briefed them. When the officials seized the dogs and handed them over to Du, the butcher complained that she was taking away his livelihood and that there were lots of stalls like this one. Du replied that she would shut them all down. The dogs had never been given any water to drink and when Du took them out of the cage where they were being kept, 2 of the dogs were so frightened (the black dog & the last dog to be removed from the cage) that they urinated on Du with one of the other dogs drinking the urine because it was so thirsty. The last dog out of the cage had a broken hind leg and you can see one of our volunteers (in the video below) pointing in the cage where it was led on intestines. The dog seller probably threw the innards of one of the dogs who had been slaughtered in to the cage for the dogs to eat while they waited their turn to be slaughtered. Feeding the dead remains of probably diseased dogs to others is a recipe for disaster and this is one of the ways we educate dog meat eaters. By telling them that they are eating diseased meat. Share this post to your social media