This little dog was saved from the butcher. He would have been slaughtered in the morning but our founder Du Yufeng received a phone call. Workers on the construction site had planned to kill and eat the dog but the caller had other ideas. It's clear by how the dog reacted to our worker putting a makeshift harness on it that something had happened on the run up to us arriving. Whether the dog had been tortured previously or had been hurt by the construction workers before they killed it in the morning, the fear was real but there was no aggression to Du and our worker at all. When they took the dog back to the shelter, some of the other dogs couldn't contain their curiosity and wanted to meet their new friend. We are aware that the construction workers may find another dog but this dog is now safe. We will be driving past their site to watch. Your donations help us to care for slaughter survivors like this one. Thank you. Share this post to your social media