(No scenes of slaughter or dead dogs). With the help of our founder Du Yufeng and her expertise at negotiating with local governments, volunteers in Chongqing spent 3 days and 3 nights camping outside the local government offices and the slaughterhouse and were eventually able to save the 106 dogs. The volunteers gave Du the power of attorney to use her documents to save the dogs the legal way. Du has the power to do this to help volunteers in our Sichuan Province. Chongqing is in Sichuan and is about 250 miles from our shelter in Guangyuan. Many of the the dogs are purebreeds like Labrador, Golden Retriever and Boxer but most are Chinese Rural Dogs. All the dogs were taken to shelters and foster homes in Chongqing where owners will be appealed for. Saving dogs and cats from the traffickers and butchers comes in all forms. Sometimes Du is on the frontline. In this case she worked behind the scenes with her years of experience and negotiating to help the volunteers. Those 106 dogs are very lucky Unfortunately, without your help we can't continue to do what we do. We now have around 1600 animals at our shelter and they all rely on you for their next meal or medicine dose. Please donate to help us save more animals and to look after the ones already saved. Thank you Share this post to your social media