Our founder Du Yufeng has worked with children for decades. She had her own kindergarten which she sold to start our shelter, giving hundreds of dogs and cats a safe place to live. She has educated children at Yulin Dog Meat Festival, telling them that animals feel fear and pain just like us. Du has won many awards for teaching including the gold award for excellent teacher and the award for excellent teacher guidance. The girls in the first part of the video go to Qifeng Primary School. They often visit us after school to play with the dogs and cats. They are saying "Cherish life, protect animals and the earth. It is our common home with animals, we should cherish them". Du has also been recognised for her work with animals, by the Humane Society International and the World Dog Alliance and she's attended conferences to further her knowledge. You can see these awards here. Children are the future for animal protection and we should all teach them to love and respect animals.
We believe the only longterm way to stop the dog and cat meat trade, and cruelty to animals, is through education.