When we teach people about the dog meat trade there are lots of dog and cat lovers who want to know how they can help. We advise them to lobby the government to ban the trade and implement animal protection law but also urge them to report any dog meat for sale or any slaughtering facilities they know of. We explain that if they do this we can use the food saftey laws which don't include dog or cat meat to rescue any live dogs, confiscate carcasses and close down the slaughtering facilities. When the disheartened animal lover asks us how they can stop this, it means that they go away feeling empowered, armed with the knowledge that they really can make a difference in stopping the evil dog and cat meat trade which happens 24/7, 365 days a year.
Like on our animal welfare events, where we take along some dogs rescued from abandonment or cruelty, on our anti dog and cat eating events like this one we take along some of the dog meat trade survivors. Usually they are crossbreed dogs and we explain to people that crossbreeds can also be gentle and loving like purebreeds and deserve the love back. We also take purebreed survivors and this is important because many times we hear that only crossbreed or Chinese Rural Dogs are eaten for their meat. This is not true, we have rescued plenty of purebreed dogs from slaughter and this surprises people. Leaflets which also explain the dangers of eating dog and cat meat were also given out.
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We believe the only longterm way to stop the dog and cat meat trade, and cruelty to animals, is through education.