2 of our disabled dogs, Wu Wei & Jian Qiang have both found their forever home and will be going together to a sanctuary in California called DREAMS (Disabled R Elderly Animals Mountain Sanctuary) very soon. Wu Wei was rescued with his siblings, at approx 7 weeks old, dumped in a cardboard box by the roadside. All of the puppies had leg deformities but Wu Wei's was the worst and it didn't respond to treatment. Jian Qiang was rescued by our founder Du Yufeng one night in the pouring rain. Du saw that Jian Qiang's back legs were lifeless and she was dragging them and herself along the floor to get around. Du picked her up and put her in the car. She was taken back to Du's house to dry and have a meal. This was when Du found out that her back legs were completely paralysed and the muscles wasted away. Danielle, the sanctuary owner will have them a wheelchair made each so that they can whizz around and interact with the other sanctuary animals.
We would like to extend our thanks to the kind animal lovers who donated to get Wu Wei to California, because at first he was going alone. Thanks also to the team at Phnom Penh Animal Welfare Society in Cambodia who do such great work for the street dogs and cats there and who made a donation towards the flight cost too. Special thanks go to our partner, SPCA International who donated the rest of Wu Wei's air fare. When Danielle kindly agreed to adopt Jian Qiang at the same time as Wu Wei, there wasn't enough raised for her air fare too so we would like to thank a very generous local Chinese supporter of ours who paid for Jian Qiang's flight.
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