Nearly all of the dogs that we rescue, when recovered from illness, injury or mental trauma, are available for adoption.
Many of the dogs we rescue are medium to large adults with the majority being Chinese Native Dogs. We also have mixed breeds and purebreeds like Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Poodles, German Shepherds, Old English Sheepdogs, Huskeys, Alaskan Malamutes and Tibetan Mastiffs. We adopt our dogs to America and soon, Canada. The dogs we send to adopters are vaccinated and will be sterilised. Although we do send to private adopterswe are also very keen and in need of partering with rescue groups in America and Canada who can take multiple groups of dogs from us and find them loving homes. |
If you are interested in adopting one of our dogs and you live in America or Canada, the first thing that we ask you to do is read our Adoption Policy. Its very important that you recognise that some of our dogs may have some feelings leftover from where they were rescued. This is especially true of slaughter survivors. Although the majority make great companions, we want you to understand that you may have to employ the services of a dog behaviourist and that you must be willing to do this if the dog needs it after arriving with you. If after reading our Adoption Policy and thinking hard about the money you will spend and whether adopting a dog from China is for you, please complete an Adoption Form and we will be in touch soon. |
Owning, working for or volunteering at a shelter or foster to adopt group is one of the most rewarding things you can do. If you are one of these wonderful people you may also be able to help the dogs and cats at our shelter. How? you may ask. Well, we would like to partner with groups all over America and eventually Canada who would be willing to help us by taking multiple groups of dogs and cats from us and giving them the chance of a forever home. Homes where our dogs and cats can only dream about having the chance to go to. Many of ourdgs, because of their size or breed, will never get the chance of a forever home in China. |