The time has gone so fast! We were all anxious about Happy flying so far and starting a new life but we needn't have worried. His adopter Sandra sent us these words for his 1 year anniversary:
" <3 MR HAPPY CHANG-WHITE <3 So 1 year ago to the day I was waiting on the arrival of my foster dog for 'Blind Dog Rescue UK', coming all the way from CHINA and going by the name of 'HAPPY'. At midnight a van pulled up outside in the dark and handed me a crate. I recall getting my first glimpse of a tiny little dog, sat on a pile of wet newspaper. shaking like a leaf. I placed his crate on the kitchen floor, opened the door and waited for him to come out. After a few minutes he poked his head out and before I knew it he had sat himself on my lap. We had our first cuddle right there on the kitchen floor. And there our journey began! It's hard to believe it's been a year. It's not all been plain sailing; we've had our ups and downs but he's making amazing progress. He gets on great with the other dogs & especially seems sweet on Minnie. Unfortunately she's not so keen on him grabbing her by her double chin, but she puts up with it. He still seems reluctant to do his business in the garden, despite being happy to spend most of his time out there when the weather is good. I am still having to walk him on his own as he becomes too distracted when another dog is with us. He is easily spooked when on his walk and seems aware of every little noise. Although he has a heart murmur he seems in good health, this is somewhat surprising as he is still reluctant to drink. He loves being groomed and enjoys his nightly brush up before bed, but isn't too keen on having a bath. He has the sweetest nature and brings much joy to our lives ... which is why we adopted him on Valentines Day! He now goes by the name of Mr Happy Chang White ... a true English gent!"
Shuang Shuang (Happy)
October 2019