Little boy Tu Tu looks like he has well and truly left his Dog Meat trade horror behind him as he plays in the forest with his best friend Hei Nui. Both of these little dogs are true ambassadors as survivors of this horrible trade in companion animals. We are delighted that Tu Tu has settled in to his Polish home so well.
Tu Tu has been enjoying the summer in Poland, sitting and playing in the garden with his new family and despite having been neutered, he has taken quite a liking to the female dogs! He has turned in to a Casanova! He is a big personality in a small body. He is looking very handsome in his newly clipped coat and those ears! So cute! Tu Tu has also been getting to know his wife from China again, Hei Nui and has been showing her around their new home. Hei Nui is settling in very well and Tu Tu has helped her with that. You can read her blog here.
Tu Tu spent his first night with Hei Nui in Poland. They slept cuddled next to each other with Marzena. Hei Nui getting along well with Marzena's other dogs and is being her lovely sweet self. Tu Tu is enjoying having his playmate back and they have been playing and getting to know each other again. To see these two little sweethearts reunited is wonderful. Hei Nui's arrival in Poland did not go smoothly but after a few hours of backwards and forwards conversations, Hei Nui was released. The reunion of Hei Nui and Tu Tu was captured for us all to see. Tu Tu needed some reassurance at first because he has had Marzena all to himself for 6 months but he and Hei Nui were happy in each other's company. We are delighted that their wait is over and that they are reunited! We look forward to seeing lots of photos and videos of their adventures. Tu Tu has had a bath and is getting ready to meet his 'wife' Hei Nui at the airport when she flies in from China. We can't wait to see how they get on at their first meeting since Tu Tu left us in November 2016. Hei Nui will live with Tu Tu and their new mommy Marzena, their human family and their furry family. This is the happy ending we have all been waiting for. Dog Meat Trade survivors. Dreams can come true! We want to say a huge thank you to Fight For Animals Poland who have adopted Tu Tu and his 'wife' Hei Nui who will join Tu Tu in Poland on May 5th.
On April 22nd, the group held a large protest, in Warsaw, against animal cruelty including cruelty to dogs and cats at Yulin Dog Meat Lychee Festival and the Dog & Cat Meat Trade. Tu Tu's mom, Marzena was asked to attend with Tu Tu as an ambassador. He represents hope for the suffering animals in China. During the protest Tu Tu received lots of hugs and kisses. Many people wanted to meet him. Some of the members at the protest were the people who contributed to the collection of funds for Tu Tu and Hei Nui's flight tickets but there were also new people there who learned that overseas adoptions of our dogs is possible. Tu Tu was a hero that day and very spolit. Snow has arrived because it is Winter in Poland and little Tu Tu is enjoying playing in it! 2016 was Tu Tu's first Christmas in Poland and he looks like he has been there forever. We are really pleased that he has settled in so well because we were aprehensive given how close he and Hei Nui are but we needn't have worried. Tu Tu has been enjoying his walks with Marzena and her family and the new dog members of hers and her family. We were so pleased to see this video of him wearing the little Chinese outfit that our founder, Du Yufeng, chose for him. It is like he is still acknowledging his Chinese roots, Perfect! Tu Tu is loved very much by Marzena and her family. They say it is like he has always been there because he has settled in so well. Tu Tu sleeps on Marzena's bed. She ttook this photo of him settling down for the night. He actually sleeps on top of Marzena! Sometimes on her legs, sometimes on her tummy.
Ms Du simply said ''Perfect!" when she learned of this because Tu Tu has always been spoiled at Bo Ai and known home comforts. Such a cute boy, who could resist?! Tu Tu is settling in to his new home really well and loves Marzena's family including her 2 young granddaughters. He has been used to being around young children, enjoying the time when Ms Du's grandson Dou Ding came to visit and play with him so it is lovely to see that he will still have young children around him. Everybody loves Tu Tu! Tu Tu was a little wary of Larisa the Great Dane, who belongs to Marzena's father, because he had never seen a dog as big as her before but they have made the most beautiful bond. It is a joy to see Tu Tu so happy and relaxed. Tu Tu now has 3 new fur siblings. He was introduced to Sissy first and they got along well, playing and chasing each other. Marzena tells us that from the minute these 2 fur siblings wake up until they go to bed, they play. He is still only 14 months old so a playmate is wonderful for Tu Tu and we are so happy that he is enjoying himself!
Tu Tu met these dogs for a little while when Marzena took him out for a walk in the yard. In China, Tu Tu was separated from large dogs, he was housed with the small dogs, because he is so tiny. Most Chinese shelters separate dogs by size so that they get their fair share of food and aren't 'bullied' by the bigger dogs. Tu Tu has not encountered big dogs at such close quarters so he was a little wary of Marzena's father's dogs at first but was soon ok and he will meet them again daily for short periods of time. After the long drive home from Warsaw airport, Marzena took Tu Tu into his new home. She told us that he is full of energy, even after all the travelling he has done over the past few days! He is eager to check his new house out, sniffing from room to room. Tomorrow he will meet his Marzena's dogs, his new fur siblings.
When Tu Tu was chosen to be adopted, Ela vetted the adopter thoroughly and reassured us that the lady she had chosen was suitable. The lady she chose is called Marzena. This is the moment when Ela handed Tu Tu over to his new adopter, Marzena.
It is an emotional experience saying goodbye to any of our dogs knowing that we will probably never see them again but we are happy that they have been chosen to start a new life and experience everything that dogs should do. Marzena, Ela and some of the other group members travelled 400km to Warsaw Chopin Airport to meet Tu Tu. After talking to the Polish Media who were present at the handover, Marzena and the group headed home, exhausted but happy to have Tu Tu with them at last. After the last leg of his journey to his new home, Tu Tu finally arrived in Poland. A party of new aunts welcomed him to his adoptive country. These ladies are members of an animal rights group in Poland who helped to raise money for Tu Tu's (and eventually his partner Hei Nui's) flight and they greeted him with tears of joy. Elzbieta (Ela), the founder of the Polish animal rights group who made it possible for Tu Tu to fly to Poland collected him from the terminal and became very emotional when she saw him. The adoption process has been long and sometimes a roller coaster but the time had finally arrived and Tu Tu was in Poland at last! Tu Tu arrived safely in Amsterdam after an almost 10 hour flight from Beijing. He was taken to the pet hotel at Amsterdam airport until his flight to Poland the next day.
Tu Tu's flight from Amsterdam departed on time and he is now in the air on his way to Poland. He has around one a half hours to wait until he lands in Warsaw, to meet his adopter, Marzena, and some of the group who helped with his flight cost. This group were also part of an amazing protest that took place in Poland against the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. We thank them all, not only for helping Tu Tu and Hei Nui begin their new lives with access to lots of exciting adventures but also for their help to raise awareness about the dog meat trade. Tu Tu and Hei Nui will continue to help them spread the word about the horrific trade and torture of companion animals in China. Tu Tu arrived in Beijing safe and sound. Our pet transport company contact, Ms Wang, went to meet him at the company's 'pet hotel', a holding room for dogs who are waiting for their flight from Beijing.
Tu Tu was a little nervous at first but then relaxed when Ms Wang let him out of his cage to relieve himself, stretch his legs and have a sniff around the holding room. Ms Wang and her colleagues will give Tu Tu human company and reassurance while he waits for his flight to Amsterdam. The day has finally arrived when we say goodbye to Tu Tu and wish him well on his journey to a new home.
Ms Du was sad to see Tu Tu go but she knows he will have a lovely life in Poland. Tu Tu was taken from Guangyuan to Chengdu and met by one of the pet transport reps who accompanied him on his journey for the short internal flight to Beijing. Ms Du took Tu Tu to Huai Ren veterinary surgery for his rabies vaccine. His microchip was implanted on a previous visit. There was quite a long time to wait until the vet could see Tu Tu but the clinic stays open until late. Tu Tu was very relaxed about the procedure and didn't flinch when the vet gave him the vaccine. Our volunteer Yang Dong held him and reassured him throughout. Tu Tu is waiting to go to his new home in Poland. He was rescued from a dog dealer, selling him for meat, aged only a few months old. He and another dog, Hei Nui, were rescued from what would have been a barbaric death. Now Tu Tu is aged approx. 14 months old and will live the rest of his life in a family home, filled with lots of love. Hei Nui will make the journey to Poland to share this new home with Tu Tu in early 2017. Tu Tu's adoption journey began when he, Hei Nui and 2 other dogs (who have been adopted to homes in America and Canada), made the journey with Ms Du to Chengdu. Ms Du made frequent stops on the 300km journey so that Tu Tu and the others could stretch their legs, have some fresh air and a drink of water. Once in Chengdu they were checked in to a hotel for a couple of nights. |
Tu TuBreed: Mixed Archives
April 2018